ergolines has a long-standing commitment to the design of innovative technologies for the steelmaking industry. Dedicated ergolines’ R&D activites continuously lead to the development of new ideas and solutions and to the widening of ergolines’ patent portfolio at the international level.
The project objective is to enable an effective management of ergolines’ patent range through the acquisition of specialized professional advice in the field of intellectual property. The envisioned project impact includes key benefits in terms of competiviveness in the global market.
The project is funded under the Europen funding program “POR FESR Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia 2014-2020 Bando Attività 1.1.a.1 DGR 1291/2017”. The total amount of the costs declared to be elibigle is EUR 55.700,00 and the approved contribution is EUR 20.000,00.